Rainwatertech dmy VI
event December 22, 2022 location_on AUSTIN, TX and LAS VEGAS, NV
Rain Enhancement Technologies, Inc. (“Rainwater Tech”), a leader in the development of rainfall generation technology, and dMY Technology Group, Inc. VI (NYSE: DMYS) (“dMY VI”), a publicly traded special purpose acquisition company, today announced that they have entered into a business combination agreement. Upon closing, the combined company is expected to retain the Rainwater Tech name. Once the business combination is completed, dMY VI will change its trading ticker from DMYS to the new ticker symbol “RANY.”

Reports and Filings


Our Team

Niccolo de Masi Chief Executive Officer
Harry L. You
Harry L. You Chairman

Board Of Directors

Gabrielle Toledano
Gabrielle Toledano
Darla K. Anderson
Darla K. Anderson
Francesca Luthi
Francesca Luthi
Becky-Anne Hughes
Becky-Anne Hughes

NYSE Symbols

play_arrow RANY (post-close) play_arrow RANY.WS (post-close)
DMYSplay_arrow trending_up DMYS.WSplay_arrow trending_up DMYS.Uplay_arrow trending_up